Distal Lateral Humeral Plates II for Distal Lateral Humeral Fracture

Product Description

Locking Plate System

|Humeral Locking Plates|

  • Distal Lateral Humeral Plates II for Distal Lateral Humeral Fracture

Head Thickness Stem Thickness Head Width Stem Width
3 3 15 11
Head: Used with Φ2.7mm locking screws, Stem: Used with Φ3.5mm locking screws
Used with  Φ3.5/ Φ4.0mm common screws
Used for distal lateral humeral fracture
Product Name Description (mm) Length (mm) Product Code
Distal Lateral Humeral Plates II left 3 holes 64 374001002
left 5 holes 90 374002002
left 7 holes 116 374003002
left 9 holes 142 374004002
left 14 holes 207 374005002
right 3 holes 64 374006002
right 5 holes 90 374007002
right 7 holes 116 374008002
right 9 holes 142 374009002
right 14 holes 207 374010002

Product Inquiry

Distal Humeral Condyle Plates

Distal Lateral Humeral Plates I

Distal Medial Humeral Plates II Used for Distal Humeral Fracture

Distal Medial Humeral Plates I

Metaphysis Straight Plates II